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TLV320AIC12K: problem on TLV320AIC12K

Part Number: TLV320AIC12K

Dear all,

I'm using TLV320AIC12K for the audio service. CRs is configed as follows:









TLV320AIC12K codec is configed as a master and MCLK is 20.48M. DOUT pin outputs the digital signal which is input onto DIN pin next frame(falling edge of FS). But there are some problems:

1. As above, I pick M=20, N=8 and P=1. As mentioned in datasheet, FS = 20.48/(16*M*N*P) = 8kHz. But the actual FS on the oscilloscope is 32kHz with 31.25us time interval of two consecutive falling edges.

   If I pick P=4 only, the actual FS is 8kHz.

2. Also I noticed that the voice from the codec. The backgound noise is low when the actual FS is 32kHz but loud when 8kHz.



  • Hi Miao

    The register values and calculations look proper. Would it be possible for you to read back and verify that the correct register values were indeed written ?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Miao,

    Please note that setting P = 4 would violate the condition mentioned in step 5 of the "Operating Frequencies" section of the datasheet  (Page 21)

    10 MHz <= (MCLK / P) <= 25 MHz.

    Only two values of P will satisfy the above condition for an MCLK of 20.48 -  P = 1 and P = 2.

    P = 2 is a value that can be tried along with N = 10 and M = 8.

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Miao,

    Did you get a chance to try the new combination or verify if there was an issue with the register programming?

    Best Regards.

  • Diljith said:

    Hi Miao

    The register values and calculations look proper. Would it be possible for you to read back and verify that the correct register values were indeed written ?

    Best Regards.

    Hi Diljith

    Sorry to reply to you so late because of so busy work.

    The values are written in the registers without error. I also use the values you recommend, but the result is the same as before.

    I also try some new values. I find that if I replace the value with 0x20 in R2 only, the FS is 8kHz which is correct.

    But the voice is strange in all configurations where I can hear someone is speaking, but I can not understand what that speaks. The voice sounds like HUM~HUM~

    Best Regards.

  • Is there someone who knows how to resolve this confusing problem?-.-!!