Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1794, TAS5548
I want to use the TAS5086 for my own designs so I decided to build up a little demo board to check its functionalities.
Now I have trouble to get it running:
I used this schematic:
Initialisation via I2C is done via an Arduino Uno (first byte is register address, second byte shows data):
factory trim commands are:
setRegister(0x1B, 0x00);
setRegister(0x05, 0x20);
setRegister(0x07, 0x30);
field trim commands are:
setRegister(0x00, 0x6D);
setRegister(0x1B, 0x03);
setRegister(0x05, 0x20);
setRegister(0x07, 0x30);
I2S Signal is: bitclock 3,09MHz / 3V3, LRclock: 48kHz / 3V3, Data: bit length around 200ns, same as bitclock. Data is delayed one clock pulse. A PCM1794 accepts the I2S signal without any issues.
Now the issues (working means the VALID1 and VALID2 leds come on and a square wave signal of 382kHz is present on the TAS outputs, otherwise no leds come on and no rectangular shape apears):
- Initalizing with field trim doesn't work - also with the LRCLK of 48kHz applied to the LRCK pin.
- Initializing with factory trim works only if LRCLK is disconnected during init.
- Initializing with factory trim works also if the I2S signal is applied after the init process.
- The output waveform of the TAS has no pwm modulation - it keeps to be a 50%/50% pwm signal.
Tried also another I2S source (first was a ADAU1701 DSP, second was a PCM2707)