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PCM5122: Auto Clock Configuration

Part Number: PCM5122


My customer is evaluating PCM5122A and Auto Clock Configuration doesn't work well.

The followings are present settings;

- Fs=44.1kHz

- BCK=11.28MHz(256fs)

- SREF[2:0]=001 (BCK)

- DCAS=0 (Auto)

 ・Clock Detector Status, Clock Status

- CDST=1001100 (SCK is missing, FS SCK ratio is invalid, SCK invalid)

- LTSH=1, CERF=1

The device works well on the following manual setting.

- DCAS=1 (Manual)

- P=2,J=16,D=0,R=1



Do they miss any register settings?

Best Regards,


  • Hi Kuramochi-san,

    I do not recommend that you use the autodetect feature when you have the device in TDM mode without a master clock.  If you want to use that configuration, I recommend you short the BCK and the SCK together.  As you are using TDM, BCK=256×fS.  That is a high enough clock to operate as the master clock.  If you cannot connect these pins together, then you should use the manual configuration.

