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TPA6130A2 in Single Ended Configuration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA6130A2, TPA6130A2EVM, TPA6140A2


I have a problem to be sure to do the right configuration for single ended input in the TPA6130A2 audio amplifier when I look at technical documentation from TI. I think there is an opposite information between TPA6130A2 datasheet and TPA6130A2EVM User Guide (SLOU185 document).

In the USER Guide of The TPA6130A2EVM, for single ended operation, the signal to ground is LINM and you enter your single ended input to LINP (see schematic in page 7 of SLOU185 document). In datasheet, it is written in page 3, to ground LINP and to enter the single ended signal in LINM. What's wrong?

For example, in TPA6140A2 datasheet, you have to enter in IN- the single ended input and ground the IN+ signal input (I assume that IN- of TPA6140A2 is LINM of TPA6130A2).

So please, could you confirm that: on TPA6130A2, in single ended input configuration, I have to ground XXXINP and enter in XXXINM? (opposite of schematic in page 7 of SLOU185 document)? Do I have to ground the input with a capacitor or Can I wire directly my input to analog ground? (Note that I don't want to invert my signal, phase = 0° and not 180° from original signal)

Moreover, I think the names of signals shall be corrected from RIGHTINM to RIGHTINN & same thing for left channel (N = negative, P = Positive, What mean M???) -> It will be more clear and as others TI datasheets ;) -> or do as TPA6140A2 RIGHTIN+ and RIGHTIN- would be a good solution.

I thank you in advanced. Best regards.

  • Hi, Pierre,

    On the TPA6130A2, the two differential inputs are virtually interchangeable when used in SE input mode. There is a slight advantage to doing it the way the d/s says, but not a huge difference, so I wouldn't worry too much. Choose the one that gives you the correct phase.

    Yes, you can ground the unused input.

    Thanks for pointing out the inconsistencies in our documentation. The next time we edit this d/s, I have made notes of your observations.


  • Thank you very much for this very accurate answer. It answers fully to my requirements.

    Best regards.

    Pierre Schlosser.

    R&D Engineer.

    DIGINEXT, France.