Can you provide more information about the purpose of p0_r60_b7-6 in TLV320AIC3254?
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Can you provide more information about the purpose of p0_r60_b7-6 in TLV320AIC3254?
The idea of p0_r60_b7 is to be able to transfer data between both miniDSP_A and miniDSP_D by making sure that both are locked together.
Whenever p0_r60_b7 = 1:
- DAC_CLK value is automatically forced to be used instead of NADC divider output (ADC_CLK). This ensures that miniDSPs have the same clock source. This is similar behavior as if NADC divider is shut down when p0_r60_b7 = 0, but is performed automatically when p0_r60_b7 = 1.
- The user must program IADC = IDAC = MDAC*DOSR = MADC*AOSR.
- To power the miniDSPs
- To power down miniDSPs (failure to follow correct order will keep miniDSP_A running).
Whenever p0_r60_b6 = 1:
- miniDSP_D will be powered automatically when miniDSP_A is powered at p0_r81_b7-6. However, the DAC channel will be muted (e.g. nothing will play out of the interpolator output).
- If audio playback is desired, then the DAC must be powered up at p0_r63_b7-6.