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PLLATINUMSIM-SW: PLLatinum Sim software crashes on export



The PLLatinum Sim software crashes when trying to export data to excel.
I get a message that states, "Cannot create ActiveX component"

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you

  • Hi,

    My colleague (PLLATINUMSIM-SW - Expert) will get back to you on this soon.



    Ajeet Pal 

  • Hi,

    I have never heard of this happening before.

    In order to export, you have to have Excel installed on the computer.  Active X is the ability of one program to call another program.  So when PLLatinum Sim says start up Excel using Active  X, it is not working.  So either I would suspect that Excel is not installed, or perhaps there is some windows feature that is preventing excel from being launched from another problem.  

