1. Will the PLL unlock when the reference input is auto switched from secondary to primary in datasheet Figure.43?
The flowchart in Figure.44 describe that the PLL shall unlock momentarily when the mux auto switch to secondary input if the primary input is not valid. When primary input is valid, the mux auto switch to primary input, then PLL locked to primary input. Is there a short PLL unlock event happen before PLL lock to primary input?
I don’t see any PLL unlock event during the auto-switch process if the R51.2 is set to 1. So if the secondary input is aways available and R51.2 is 1. I don’t need warry about the PLL unlock event anymore, right?
2. In Table.8, number 14 status is “PLL secondary to primary switch in automatic mode”. what is it? Does the status pin generate a pulse after the mux auto switch to primary input? If yes, how long the pulse?