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CDCEL937 / CDC Programming EVM issue

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CLOCKPRO, CDCEL937


We could see ''CDCE(L)9xx_FAMILY_EVM - Serial Port(COM31)'' in the device manager.

However, TI Clock Pro didn't recognize the programming EVM in the main GUI screeen. So, we worked in ''local'' and  went to ''Tools''->''Programming EVM''. We could find CECEL937 board. But the Green LED icon in the software panel didn't light up. Would you please give us information ?

・Windows7 32bit
・Connect the EVM with the PC with 2.0 USB cable.



  • Hello Kato-san,

    this behavior is intended this way. The main window "TI Clock Pro 1.2" is for the performance EVMs of this clock generator family.

    The smaller "TI ClockPro Programmer" window is a separate program which is for the programming EVM. The two windows do not share information.

    The big LED icon in the top left of the main window will only light up when you connect a performance EVM.

    The programming EVM will work fine as the software validates that the inserted device in the socket matches the selected device.

    Only then the EVM will be listed under "Select Boards".

    Best regards,


  • Patrick - san,

    Thank you for the reply. Next, please let me know how to write EEPROM by using TI Clock Pro Programmer ?

    We didn't find register setting parts in TI Clock Pro Programmer window.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Kato-san,
    please use the main window with the block diagram to create your configuration. Then you can save it as a file which you can load into the programmer window.
    You can choose any file format you like. Both windows support the same file types.
    The idea was that basically you would create and validate a configuration on the performance EVM. And later for a test build you can load the earlier created file and program twenty units for a prototype build.

    Best regards,
  • Patrick - san,

    Thank you for your explanation.  The progarmming was successful.

    Best Regards,


  • Patrick - san,

    We would like to program CDCEL937 EEPROM on FPGA Demo board.

    If we connect only programming board SDA,SCL to CDCEL937 on FPGA board, could the EEPROM be programmed ?


    Best Regards,


  • I would appreciate if you response to my post.
  • Hi Kato-san,

    This is possible to use the EVM as a programming device. If signal integrity and timing is still OK in this configuration, then the SDA, SCL, and GND are the only lines necessary for device programming.

  • Hi Gabe - san,
    We used SDA, SCL and GND lines. However, we couldn't program the device.(CDCEL937 device has found with TI clock pro)
    What is considered to cause ?Best Regards,Kato
  • Hi Kato-san,

    In these cases, a oscilloscope plot would be helpful to determine the issue at the device. We must ensure timing requirements are met and that the device is acknowledging communication from the I2C master.

  • Hello Kato-san,

    Can you share details about the issue?
    - Does the device not acknowledge the transfers? (LED "Programming Successful" disabled)
    - Are the read back bits incorrect? (LED "Check Successful")

    Please consider following items which can influence the programming:
    - when you use the EVM software.
         - The programming EVM does an automatic power down of the device to reload the EEPROM.
         - when the power on the application board is always there, the EEPROM content will never be loaded to the device registers at power up.
         - it will seem as if the programming was unsuccessful
    - application board
          - the CDCEL937 offers several "profiles" or "states" which can be saved in the device and selected by device pins (S[2:0], muxed with SCL,SDA); with I2C active and S0-pin internal pull-up the profile selected is "nr 1" by default ("S[2:0]=b001" ). The EVM software also does this when you create your configuration! Should you have pulled the S0=LOW, the device loads different settings. Please check if S0=HIGH/LOW. Please refer to data sheet tables 4,5 & 8.
         - as Gabe suggested: please check on the length of the wires and see if the SCL and SDA have expected timing. Meaning that through the additional connection there is enough setup and hold time between the signals and there is pretty equal capacitive loading on each line, so the signal timing stays in sync.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Gabe - san, Patrick - san,
    Thank you for your explanation. We checked the length of the wires and pull up registor(4.7k), and the programming was successful.
    By the way, there is one thing that bothers me, when the pull up voltage of SDA and SCL was set to 1.8V, TI clock pro didn't find CDCEL937 board.
    Should the voltage be set to 3.3V for the programming EVM ?

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Kato-san,
    the MSP430 microcontroller on the EVM works with 3.3V levels. Our device is tolerant to 3.3V on the SDA, SCL pins. For re-using the EVM you will have to use pull-ups to 3.3V in this specific case. In actual application you can rely on the 1.8V domain.

    Best regards,