Dear Texas Support,
The ADC081C027 has one address pin, which can be tied to VA, ground or left floating. The data sheet provides a nice simple diagram of the input, showing two 41.5 kΩ providing the mid-voltage when the pin is floating. It also says you can add two resistors yourself to the pin, if you don't like the pin left floating.
I would simply like to add a 100nF capacitor from the pin to ground instead of two resistors. Would that be ok? I guess my question is: Does the IC just detect the voltage on this pin, either VA, ground or in between, or does the pin also output something during operation? If it's solely an input pin, a capacitor should be enough.
I'm sure you understand why I suggest a capacitor. Just leaving the pin floating is almost 'against my religion' as a long-time developer. And two pull-up/down internal resistors of 41.5 kΩ could perhaps struggle keeping the voltage in the middle in noisy environments. Adding two lower resistors, like two 4.7 kΩ, would only add to the power consumption. A simple decoupling capacitor solves everything in my book.
Best regards,
Flemming Monsrud