I have interfaced a PIC controller to DAC7750 on SPI bus and given a common power supply(12Vdc) to both circuits. I am able to write and read back all registers like control, configuration, DAC data register etc
I have checked voltages at DVDD=4.6V, REFIN=REFOUT=5V, R3-SENSE=BOOST=AVDD=12V which are also fine according to datasheet. I have shared a schematic herein, what is wrong in it?.
//Following is the initialization code for DAC7750, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Init_DAC7750(void) { uint16_t data; char lbuf[100]; //IC reset command. DAC7750_Write_Register(DAC7750_ADDR_WR_RESET,0x0001); __delay_ms(100); //External current setting resistor disable, Output enable, Slew Rate disable, Daisy-chain disable, Output range = 4-20mA. DAC7750_Write_Register(DAC7750_ADDR_WR_CTRL,0x1005); __delay_ms(10); data = DAC7750_Read_Register(DAC7750_READ_CTRL); sprintf(lbuf,"Control register value=%X\r\n",data); Tx_String(lbuf); //calibration enable, HART interface disable, frame error checking disable, Watchdog timer disable DAC7750_Write_Register(DAC7750_ADDR_WR_CFG,0x0020); __delay_ms(10); data = DAC7750_Read_Register(DAC7750_READ_CFG); sprintf(lbuf,"Configure register value=%X\r\n",data); Tx_String(lbuf); DAC7750_Write_Register(DAC7750_ADDR_WR_DAC_GAIN,0x8000); __delay_ms(10); data = DAC7750_Read_Register(DAC7750_READ_DAC_GAIN); sprintf(lbuf,"Gain register value=%X\r\n",data); Tx_String(lbuf); DAC7750_Write_Register(DAC7750_ADDR_WR_DAC,0x0000); __delay_ms(10); data = DAC7750_Read_Register(DAC7750_READ_DAC_DATA); sprintf(lbuf,"DAC register value=%X\r\n",data); Tx_String(lbuf); }
Out put on terminal is what i expected,
Control register value=1005
Configure register value=0020
Gain register value=8000
DAC register value=0
That means my code is working fine but when i connect digital multimeter to check for current then there is always 0mA current, even if i load DAC data register with 0xFFF0 value.
Please help me in this.
Best regards,