Iam trying to implement I2c master code with communicating with 2 ADS7924 slaves.
I Followed the below writing and reading method.
For writing i send the below data for the 1 ADS7924 with slave address (1001001)
1.To wake up the device
<S>0x92 0x00 0x80 <P>
2.For INT configure into BUSY pin to indicate the data ready status for reading
<S>0x92 0x12 0xFC <P>
3.For setting the device into AUTO-SCAN brust mode sleep
<S>0x92 0x00 0xFC <P>
For writing i send the below data for the 2 ADS7924 with slave address (1001000)
1.To wake up the device
<S>0x90 0x00 0x80 <P>
2.For INT configure into BUSY pin to indicate the data ready status for reading
<S>0x90 0x12 0xFC <P>
3.For setting the device into AUTO-SCAN brust mode sleep
<S>0x90 0x00 0xFC <P>
After wring this data to both ADS7924 with sing I2C BUS I try to read the Chanel data when it is in sleep mode.
For reading i send the below data for 1 ADS7924 with slave address (1001001)
1. I take the INT into input to Master when ever it went to High-Low state that means when the device in sleep mode for 10.02 ms time
1. When INT is Low i start send the below data
<S> 0x92 0x82 <P> (I send the incremental address register )
<S>0x93 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <P>
after reading the data from the 1 ADS7924 again i send the read request for the 2 ADS7924
<S> 0x90 0x82 <P> (I send the incremental address register )
<S>0x91 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <P>
This how iam trying to read the ADC7924 data with respect to multiple slave . Please correct me if my transaction to ADS7924 is right or wrong .
The SCL clock iam sending at 100 Khz.(standard mode)