Dear Sir or Madam
We are having an issue regarding your AFE4404. We have a device collecting PPG samples from 3 channels - green (channel 1), red (channel 2) and infrared (channel 3). We have collected thousands of PPG signals and, for some reasons, for a small percentage of signals IR and RED samples are inverted (as they are in attached images). We have double checked the whole path of the signal from collecting it from registers (LEDXVAL) to final calculations and we have not detected any reason for that behaviour. It would be very helpful if you could tell us if you have ever noticed such behaviour and if it may be due to incorrect settings of AFE4404.
It's so much important for us to achieve your help - in that moment we have on market 5k devices with this AFE and 15k in manufacture. It's seriously important case for us.
Yours truly,