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DAC61416: DAC61416 coding

Part Number: DAC61416

Can any one please share the basic coding for DAC61416 ????, i am using teensy 4.1  and i am trying to upload a text file as an input....

  • Hi Gayathri Kanagarajan,

    We don't have any code related to Teensy platform.  DAC61416 has couple of register to get DAC output.

    1.  What is exact problem ? explain what you are force and what you are getting ?

    2.Please let me know about your setup, are you using DAC61416EVM or your own board ? 

    3. what sequence of register write you are doing ?

    4. Did all supply and reference voltage are correct ?  

  • hi Anbu mani, i am just getting started with this DAC , so If you have any basic program or basic structure on using DAC61416 (giving an input voltage and getting the same desired voltage output)using an arduino atleast it would be helpful? Also libraries for the coding also is required?? Can you please share if you have a skeleton program ?

  • Hi Gayathiri Kanagarajan,

     Typically TI don't provide any library or code for platform specific. i will check with my internal team and provide you some basic register write sequence by tomorrow. 

  • Hi , 

    Please find the basic code  to generate DAC output. Also you can refer application section 9.2.2 in datasheet generate ampltude modulated signal with toggle feature.

    <ADDR>, <DATA>

    0x03, 0x0A84 // SPI CONFIG,  Power up device, SDO enabled 

    0x0A, 0x0000 // Select DAC range for (DAC Ch0- 3), 5V

    0x09, 0x0000 //  Power up DAC ch0-3

    0x04, 0x3F00 // Internal reference enabled (Select reference option internal / external) , all DAC are single ended mode

    0x0E, 0x0000 // Disable Synchronous load 

    0x10, 0xYYYX // DAC ch0 data  DAC61416: { DATA[11:0], x, x, x, x}, DAC code

    Hope this will help you to start your project.