Conversion time is 500 ns to 930 ns, it means that i need least 930 Conversion time? ipnut AINP - AINM = 5V,Conversion time 598ns ADC read 16222;Conversion time 836ns ADC read 32504
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Conversion time is 500 ns to 930 ns, it means that i need least 930 Conversion time? ipnut AINP - AINM = 5V,Conversion time 598ns ADC read 16222;Conversion time 836ns ADC read 32504
Hi ung-cheng,
The conversion time is the time the ADC requires to complete a conversion. The data conversion is initiated by your microcontroller at the rising edge of CONVST signal. However, your microcontroller can not control when the data conversion is over. Your microcontroller should pull the CONVST signal low after waiting for at least tCONV_max (930ns) when the data conversion is completely over. The data you captured at 598ns and 836ns are incorrect because the data conversion is not over yet.
Best regards,