The RLDOUT pin of the ADS1198 host does not output 1.5V when the lead is off, but outputs 3V. The waveform is as follows. This abnormality will show that the signal cannot be detected, and it always prompts that the lead is off. When we modify the program to only configure the register and not respond to the DRDY signal, the RLDOUT pin level is normal, about 1.5V.
2. The auxiliary machine DRDY does not output according to the selected sampling frequency of 500Hz, but only occasionally low level, the result shows that the signal of the auxiliary machine cannot be detected. When we short the start pin with tweezers, DRDY can output normal 500Hz Signal.
3. The same program, the same hardware, found that the auxiliary machine has no 2.4V output, and replacing a chip has no effect.
The main and auxiliary machine schematic diagram is as follows:
The master and slave configuration registers are as follows: