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AMC1400: What is the best option to interface it with MCU?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1400

Hi Team,

I have this requirement to measure a high voltage input +/-1000V with an accuracy of 2%.

I selected the AMC1400 which has better creepage and clearance distances. 

My question is about interfacing this device with MCU to satisfy measurement requirement. I may have 2 options:

  • Convert the output of AMC1400 to a single-ended signal and then connect it to MCU ADC
  • Connect to output pf AMC1400 to a differential input ADC and then interface it with MCU using SPI.

I have joined 2 diagrams detailing the 2 options.

Thanks in advance for your support.



  • Hi Abderrhman,

    Either option is fine for use with your MCU, the AMC1400 has a common mode output voltage level of 1.44V (typ), so you might have a bit more flexibility with your choice of ADC if you go with the differential to single ended conversion option.  With that setup, you can adjust the Vcm and gain to match the input of your ADC.