We are doing the noise analysis of ADS8353QPWRQ1 in which we are trying to calculate the total noise of the ADC system. We are performing the analysis based on the TI-precision-labs video: https://training.ti.com/ti-precision-labs-adcs-calculating-total-noise-adc-systems. In this video, they are calculating the noise of ADC with input given to single channel. But as you know, ADS8353QPWRQ1is a 2-channel simultaneous sampling ADC and we are using single ended configuration with 2 amplifier outputs fed to AINP_A and AIN_B pins and external reference voltages are given to REFIO_A and REFIO_B pins.
In the video, the total rms voltage is calculated using the equation:
Our query is do we need to modify the equation as shown below for 2 simultaneously sampling ADC channels with separate reference voltages given to 2 channels?
Please confirm.
Also, we are assuming that the SNR given in section 6.5 of the datasheet, is for the condition of simultaneous sampling of 2 input channels. Please correct me if I am wrong.