Dear support forum,
I try to use the AMC1210 to measure a voltage for a longer period of time (~11ms).
Therefore, I enable the integrator mode 1 and have a look into the registers every 2ms.
The clock frequency is 20MHz and thus, the timer shall overflow every 3.28ms. Thus, looking on the register every 2ms shall be enough.
If an overflow occured, the number overlfows during the conversion is stored and used after ~11ms for evaluation.
So far, most of the timer, 3 overflow occure which is perfectly correct. But for some reason, when a certain voltage threshold is reached (in our case ~ 0.64V ), sometimes the overflow flag seems to be missing once.
This probablity increases, when the voltage increases even further.
My question here is, whether it may be a known issue that the overflow flag is somehow not correctly set?
Kind regards