In reading the data sheet for the ADS1260 regarding reference configuration:
Program the RMUXP[1:0] and RMUXN[1:0] bits of the REF register to select the positive and negative reference
voltages, respectively. The positive reference selections are internal positive, AIN0, AIN2, or AVDD. The negative
reference input selections are internal negative, AIN1, AIN3, or AVSS.
In each of the headline it seems like you can select either Internal reference, External Reference or AVDD-AVSS.
But in the figure 53 it seems like you can select freely which is Vrefp and Vrefn.
My question is it possible to use AIN0 as Vrefp and AVSS as Vrefn? My input is AIN1-AIN2 and AIN3-AIN4