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ADS52J65EVM: Using ADS52J65EVM with KCU105.

Part Number: ADS52J65EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS52J65

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am using ADS52J65EVM with KCU105. HSDC Pro v4.90 detetcts the KCU105. It seems there's a proper connection.

However HSDC PRo does not list ADS52J65. ADS52J65.ini cannot be found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\KCU105 Details\ADC files folder. 

I have the ADS52J65.ini file for TSW14J50. Can I use the same for KCU105? If not, could you please send/create ADS52J65.ini for KCU105? 

Kind Regards, 

Panneer Raja. 

  • Hi Panneer,

    Thanks for reaching out to TI E2E.

    After installing the HSDC Pro, the package will have some default devices only, in order for it to show ADS52J65, you will have to install the ADS52J65 GUI properly. While installation of the GUI, the ADC GUI updates the firmware location in HSDC folder as well.

    Once the GUI is installed, you will see the option of selection the 52J65 in the drop down list.

    Thanks & regards,


  • Hi Abhishek, 

    Thanks for the reply. the ADS52J65 GUI was installed properly and even reinstalled while KCU105 is running and connected. This has clearly not updated firmware location in the HSDC folder. 

    While connecting the TSW14J50 Data capture board, The ADS52J65 ADC gets shown in HSDC Pro device list. This was made possible, after   has provided me with the ADS52J65_TSW14J50_transition folder. Is there any similar transition guide for getting ADS52J65EVM work with KCU105? 

    If I connect the KCU105 instead of TSW14J50, The ADS52J65 does no longer appear in the device list, even after the connection via Ethernet to KCU105 is established. 

    I think that the ADS52J65.ini file is making the device appear in the HSDC Pro device list. If so, I do not see the ADS52J65.ini file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\KCU105 Details\ADC files folder.

    Can I simply copy the ADS52J65.ini from 14J50 Details/ADC files to KCU105 Details/ADC files folder? 

    Kind Regards, 

    Panneer Raja. 

  • Hi Panneer Raja, 

    Currently, ADS52J65EVM does not support KCU105.

    However, since ADS52J65EVM is FMC-compliant, it can be made to work with KCU105. But you will have to develop a separate firmware on KCU105 for that. 

    Copying ADS52J65.ini from 14J50 Details/ADC files to KCU105 Details/ADC files folder will not work because you currently won't have the required KCU105 firmware inside the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\KCU105 Details folder. 



  • Hi Karthik, 

    Thanks for the answer. KCU105_TI_DHCP.bit can be found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\KCU105 Details\Firmware folder. Besides, AMD(Xilinx) has provided a KCU105 fpga project that can be built for TI ADC chips. I have created a bitfile from this project too. Unfortunately, there is no list of supported TI ADCs for this Project.

    Are these firmware(.bit files) compatible with ADS52J65? From a pinning standpoint and also JESD parameter configuration standpoint?

    How do we make sure that JESD parameter settings(F,M,K, etc..) are the same between ADC and FPGA? If I configure the ADC_EVM with certain settings via ADC_EVM GUi, FPGA JESD IP core settings also gets configured?

    Kind Regards, 

    Panneer Raja.  

  • Hi, 

    Is there any update on this?

    Panneer Raja Vajravelu

  • Hi Panneer Raja, 

    The current *.bit files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\KCU105 Details\Firmware were from a different ADC team and not designed with ADS52J65 in mind. 

    However, I will reach out to you over email to explore how Xilinx's example firmware can be modified to support ADS52J65EVM. 

