in the Annex (pag.5 and following) the measured parameter are not clearly decribed, in particulat test conditions. The name of the parameters suggest some test conditions, but it is not clear.
- DNL_MAX_16M_5V (page 26)
- DNL_MAX_3P2M_5V (Page 35)
I suppose it is DNL maximum (positive), with clock at 16MHz or 3,2MHz and reference Voltage at 5V => Is it correct? what does it means "3P2M" Is it 3 POINT 2 MHz?????
The same question for:
- DNL_MIN_16M_5V (page 28)
- DNL_MIN_3P2M_5V (page 36)
- INL_MAX_16M_5V (page 29)
- INL_MAX_3P2M_5V (page 37)
- INL_MIN_16M_5V (page 30)
- INL_MIN_3P2M_5V (page 39)
Other Example: OFFSET error. I suppose these parameters are OFFSET error with reference Voltage 5V, clock 16MHz....what then? which is the difference? What doe it means 0K/0.5???
- OFF_ERR/5.0/3/16MHZ/0K/0.5 (page 66)
- OFF_ERR/5.0/8/16MHZ/0K/0.5 (page 68)
The same for Full scale error:
- FSR_ERR/5.0/3/16MHZ/0K/0.5 (page 67)
- FSR_ERR/5.0/8/16MHZ/0K/0.5 (page 69)
Other example: Input leakage current (page 9-15 and 17-25)
- A(i)_ON_VDD/5.25/5.25/0/0/0 with i= 1, 2, 3...8 => input leakage current with reference Voltage 5,25V, input voltage 5,25V (ON)...what does it mean 0/0/0???that all the other inputs are OFF (0V)?
- A(i)_OFF_GND/5.25/5.25/0/0/0 with i= 1, 2, 3...8 => input leakage current with reference Voltage 5,25V, input voltage 5,25V (OFF, it should be 0V???)...what does it mean 0/0/0???that all the other inputs are OFF (0V)
Other parameters not analyzed.
Conclusion: can someone please explain me the test conditions of the parameters listed above (or even in general for all the parameters in the Annex)?