A customer is using this ADC in a weigh scale application. There is a phenomenon where INL deteriorates around a certain weight.
・Is the point at which nonlinearity worsens approximately constant in the ADC input range?
・Why is the maximum value of nonlinearity not specified when used with gain = 64,128?
・Do the characteristics of the PGA Bypass Capacitor affect nonlinearity?
GAIN 128, VREF 3.3V
The input to the ADS1232 is the output of the strain gauge bridge 4000Ω, AINP1-AINN1) 0 mV 4 12 mV.
Customer declined to publish INL measurement data.
If you wish, I can send the data to a private email addressed to a TI engineer.
Since the INL of Gain128 is only TYP, I think it is difficult to judge, but I would like to know TI's opinion.
best regards,