Hi, Dear product line engineer.
I use DAC53401 to adjust DC/DC output voltage. could I directly configure 0x21h register and ignore all other register? for example, I use internal reference and want DAC53401 output 1V voltage with 3x gain. the DAC data is 0x11A, transfer to 12bit will be 0x468. in my system, address of DAC53401 is 0x48..so my pseudocode as below.
//Write DAC code (12-bit aligned)
Write DAC address: 0x90 --address is 0x48 + 1(write)=0x90.
Write DAC_DATA(0x21), 0x04, 0x68. -- 0x11A transfer 12bit is 0x468
is this work? how to enable 3x gain? according datasheet, I need configure 0xD1h for enable 3x gain. but what ever I write to 0xD1h, the DAC will not output a DC voltage(I just want output a DC=1V). do you have any good idea? could you please show me a pesudocode? thanks.