Part Number: TSW1400EVM
I am attempting to evaluate the AD4249 using the TSW1400EVM. I am using the ADS42xx_EVM which couples nicely to the capture board. I am sampling a 20 MHz CW signal at 80 MHz. If I start signal power at 0 dBm and step down in 5 dB steps to -10 dBm input power I see very little difference in terms of Vpp per unit time as displayed in the code view. I am using both boards stock with jumpers configured per the EVM user guide, table 1. Sample clock jitter is < 2 psec RMS. I should note that the frequency of the sampled signal does appear to correlate, but the sampled amplitude doesn't make sense. I will attached a couple dumps from the capture card.20M_-2dBm_80MClk.csv20M_-5dBm_80MClk.csv20M_0dBm_80MClk.csv20M_-10dBm_80MClk.csv