We have a design that is using the TLC2574 in single ended mode. We seem to be seeing a positive offset of ~ 50-100 mV on our expected readings at normal room temperatures. This relates to 10-20 ADC counts. We are using the REF3040 (4.096) as the external reference. As a test, we connected a single ended reference, REF3020, to one of the analog inputs. The +50mV offset was also observed. Signals being measured are DC like, very low if any frequency content.
Questions -
1) Is an offset typical or an anomilly ?
2) Any thoughts on were this offset could be coming from ?
3) Using the internal test voltages, is there a suggested "calibration" process to result in more accurate readings ?
4) Datasheet has a max REFP of 4.04 V, while our design (and the TI EVM) uses a 4.096 Volts. Could this be part of the offset issue ?
Thanks for the responses.