On sheet 13 of the datasheet in the "INPUT RANGES" section, the following text appears - "Figure 24 shows the necessary circuit connections for the ADS8515 with and without hardware trim." However, I believe this should be a reference to Figure 25. Then the following sentence states "Offset and full-scale error specifications are tested and specified with the fixed resistors shown in Figure 25(b)." However, this is confusing because there are no resistors shown in 25(b) and in fact 25(b) is titled "+/-10V Without Hardware Trim". Should this sentence be referencing 25(a)? And if that is the case, then is the sentence stating that the offset and full-scale error specifications are tested and specified with just the fixed resistors shown since the figure also includes a potentiometer? I'm assuming "fixed resistors" refers to the 20KOhm, 30KOhm, and 175KOhm value and to further improve on the offset and full-scale error specifications, a potentiometer can be used to calibrate the system by fine tuning the 20KOhm resistor value. Please confirm. Thank you