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TLC 2578 ADC peak detection

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC3578, TLC2578

I have successfully interfaced the ADC to my controller, which will  get input from a function generator (1V - 10V sine wave, 1 Hz - 1 MHz range),

the ADC will be used to display the voltage on a LCD. Now my question is

a) How to detect the peak voltage accurately using TLC2578 or TLC3578

b) Do I need an additional circuits like peak detectors

c) If required is there any  ICs available

Please suggest.

  • Hi Prabhakar,

    The TLC2578 and TLC3578 do not have any 'peak detection' capability built into the device - to try and find the peak values, you would need to compare conversion results and search/sort on the highest value in your software.  This would not be practical though for the 1MHz input signal since that frequency is well beyond the Nyquist rate of either the TLC2578 or TLC3578.  For this you would need some sort of peak detect circuit which can be a simple as a diode and capacitor.  What sort of accuracy are you looking for and how often will you be sampling the ADC inputs?

  • Hi Tom

    Thanks for your Inputs,the output from the ADC will be used for displaying the voltage on the LCD and also for offset corrections.

    The accuracy needed  is maximum of 300mV.

    Would u please suggest a peak detector in IC form or a technical document from your archive.

