Hi. Is it possible to use register(s) in ADS1243 for storing data values (while the power is connected)?
The device that I am using has only 1 analogue input and the other 7 inputs are connected to ground. From my reading of the datasheet, with IOCON set to its default value - all inputs are analogue inputs - I think I can set any value that I like in register DIR, as this won't affect the data I/O pins and I will be able to read the value back afterwards.
My question then is, is this register behaving as a RAM or a FLASH/EEPROM location? The question, really, is will I wear out this register if I keep writing to it? (I would be thinking of writing a value to it every 15s.)
If it behaves as RAM, that will be great; if it is FLASH or EEPROM then there is the concern about wearing it out. (I can see that OCR and FSR registers are probably non-volatile storage).