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ADC12DL3200: Length matching across data lanes requirement

Part Number: ADC12DL3200


We are using ADC12DL3200 in our custom design in Dual channel mode.

Data Lanes A & C are being used for Input-A and lanes B & D are being used for Input-B. As per datasheet, it is mentioned to length match all the data lanes within 125 ps. ("Maximum timing skew between any two LVDS output pairs (DxCLK±, Dx[11:0]±, DxSTR±) in all LVDS banks").

As my analog inputs on 2 channels are independent and there is no dependency of Lanes A, C on B, D and vice versa. Do I need to match all the LVDS data lanes in this case ? or Is it sufficient if I match A & C together and B & D together (all 4 lanes will not be matched)?

Thanks in Advance. 

  • Hi Charan,

    Technically no, you would not need to length match all four banks (ABCD) if you are using the two ADCs independently.

    However, this might be a limitation with the type of FPGA you are using to capture the data. I am checking on this for you.

    I will get back to you in a few days on this.



  • Hi Charan,

    Rob’s point is accurate (and you have mentioned this in your original post). Ideally, you don’t need to length match across AC and BD. 

    That said, as each bus has its own clock and strobe pins, you need not match between A and C either. A buffer at the receive end should help you line up the samples after each bus has been captured independently. 



  • Hi Rob,

    Thank you for your reply. We are using Kintex UltraScale FPGA for data capturing.

  • Hi Ameet,

    Thank you very much for the reply.

    What should be minimum timing skew requirement between lanes A & C?

    Also I need clarification regarding the following queries:

    • As there is only 1 ADC in my design, I am not using SYSREF signal. But as per timing diagram in Figure 6-2. in Page 30, STROBE signal was getting asserted after detecting the SYSREF signal after tLAT(STB). If no SYSREF signal is being used, when does the STROBE signal be asserted? 
    • If I am continuously capturing the data from ADC, does the STROBE signal gets asserted only once at the start or will it be toggled while capturing?

    Thanks in advance  

  • Hi Charan,

    The min timing skew is really up to how the Rx is determined. Meaning it’s about the setup/hold of the RX, not the TX.

    There may be buffer settings within the FPGA in order to do this.

    Otherwise, I would suggest no more than +/-100mils from diff pair to diff pair.

    Ameet will address the rest of your questions.



  • Hi Charan,

    My recommendation will be to solve the A/C and B/D synchronization using the Rx architecture in the FPGA (instead of through timing closure and length matching constraints).

    The ADC has a feature to group a certain number of samples into a frame. The STROBE signal serves to demarcate the frames from each other (which can then be used to align the outputs of multiple channels within an ADC or across multiple ADC's). The frame length can be set through the LFRAME regsiter (address 0x202). One common example is to set this to 16 (one strobe pulse every 16 samples).

    Once you have the STROBE pattern, it will repeate indefinitely and you can use it to align the samples of A with C and B with D. This will help get around needing very tight routing restrictions (and hence easing board layout).

    Finally, at high data rates, there is also a possibility of bit slips 'within' the lanes of a channel. The STROBE pattern can be used to your advantage here as well. The PAT_SEL register can be used to output the STROBE on all data and strobe lanes. This way, the Rx logic in the FPGA can align everything (lanes within a data bus as well as samples across data buses).

    As a final point, the Xilinx HSSIO Rx IP should offer you a clean solution for bringing it all together. This will carry out the I/O calibration as well as inter-lane bitslip adjustment. Alternatively, you can implement your own logic to do the needful.

    Kindly let me know if this addresses your queries.



  • Hi Ameet,

    As you mentioned "As a final point, the Xilinx HSSIO Rx IP should offer you a clean solution for bringing it all together. This will carry out the I/O calibration as well as inter-lane bitslip adjustment. Alternatively, you can implement your own logic to do the needful." we are using HSSIO Rx IP.

    As observed, 

    1. Xilinx HSSIO Rx IP will not work on strobe basis. So, Is there any chance, that Strobe signal can be continuously low, until I complete my capture?
    2. If not, How do I monitor strobe? Is detecting falling edge enough for starting the capture?

     Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Charan,

    I wasn't able to understand what 'starting the capture' means. The ADC capture can happen on any pos-edge of the deserialized clock domain. Since it is a parallel mode, each clock cycle comprises a valid sample. This would not have been the case if the data was serialized coming out of the ADC.

    The only thing required is to complete the IO, bitslip and inter bus calibration before capture is started. The HSSIO IP will adjust each lane based on the target bitslip pattern that you configure. If you mirror the strobe on all the data lanes, the target pattern will become 0x8000 (1 '1' and 15 '0'). In that case, the strobe signal is not needed as part of the data into the HSSIO.

    This scheme will work in both aligned as well as staggered timing modes, because the bitslip will line up all lanes at the output of the HSSIO IP.

