Good day everyone,
I plan to use 3 ADS8568 adcs connected in a daisy chain configuration with a series output, configured via hardware mode and each with their own internal clock.
The input voltage from the driving circuitry will most likely be +- 5V or maybe +-10V.
1) From the recommended operating conditions I assume this is what the ADC should be driven at irrespective of the input voltage (as long as HVDD and HVSS are larger/lower respectively than the input voltage)?
As far as I can tell these supplies are irrespective of the input voltage (as long as HVDD and HVSS are larger/lower respectively than the input voltage) and if so, I will drive HVDD = +15V, HVSS = -15V, AVDD = +5V and DVDD = 3.3V unless there is some reason I shouldn't.
2) As I am driving 3 ADCs do these would it be recommended to drive each ADC with its own set of power supplies or should they be all connected to the same set?
3) Is there any issue in having them operate on their own internal clocks or should they be driven by a single external clock with length matched traces to each?
4) Should they use the same reference or is each operating on their own internal reference fine?
4.a) I assume to ensure that the voltage conversion of the 3 ADCs should be done with respect to the same reference?
Thanks in advance for any help.