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ADS127L01: Start-pin : do we need rising edge after power up?

Part Number: ADS127L01


Dear team,

Do we need rising edge at start-pin after powering up?
The background of this question is, we do not care about timing. So if ADS127L01 can start, we like to keep Start-pin High justaafter power-up and before RESET/PWDN-pin rising edge.

Thank you for your support.
Best regards,
Yuto Kitamura

  • Hello Kitamura-san,

    If you have multiple ADS127L01s in your system that need synchronized, then you should assert the START pin or send the START command after power-up reset to ensure synchronization between all ADCs. 

    However, if you only have one ADS127L01 in the system, then you can either tie START pin to DVDD (High) for continuous conversions, or if using SPI commands, connect START pin to ground (LOW) and send a START command after power-up reset.

    Keith Nicholas
    Precision ADC Applications