Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA335, OPA192, ADS1261, ADS1263, ADS125H02
I'm designing system which measures strain gauge with ADS1256. Ratiometric design as described in TI Application Note "A Basic Guide to Bridge Measurements" (https://www.ti.com/lit/an/sbaa532a/sbaa532a.pdf) sounds like a good option.
I would however have separate REFP and AVDD. AVDD would be +5V and REFP done with 2V5 voltage reference.
But voltage referencences typically output only 10mA or 20mA and strain gauge with Wheatsone bridge with 120ohm resistors will need 20.83mA.
Is there a "standard way" to boost voltage reference output for more current? Or how is this typically done?
I have seen in some application notes that OPA335 is used to buffer voltage reference but that buffering is not done to boost current output.