I am using the ADS7128 and I want be alerted when the analog threshold has been exceeded ( window comparators ) and telling the truth the device works very well in all his regards I can set the thresholds, the average filter, the conversion speed ,and whatelse I like , I have tested both the manual and autonomus configuration ,everything seems working properly but the ALERT flag .This flag once setted seems hard to clear.
I am following the flow chart depicted on the data sheet on page 26 fig.33 unfortunately when I get the interrupt from the ALERT pin I am not able to clear this flag regardless the many efforts made in the firmware .At last I have been obliged to send a clear all register command to clear the ALERT flag .
It seems impossible to clear the EVENT_FLAG_REG by following the flow chart in fig 33 and then the pending interrupt is steady state .
May I send a write 00 to the EVENT_FLAG_REG or do I have to clear each bit individually ?
Are there any other action to take not shown in the fig 33 ?
Actually the only way to clear the pending ALERT interrupt is by issuing a clear all register command .
Please let me know your suggestions
Best Regards
Ettore Piccirillo