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DAC61402EVM: Missing software for DAC61402EVM

Part Number: DAC61402EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC81402, DAC61402, DAC814XXEVM-GUI, DAC81404EVM



I am following the user guide for the BP-DAC61402-EVM to download/install the evaluation software. The guide points me to search on for "BP-DAC61402EVM" but this and similar search strings return no results. How can I download the software for this eval kit?

Ethan Zonca

  • Hi Ethan,

    Sanjay will review and provide some feedback soon. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Hi Ethan,
    BD-DAC61402EVM is obsolete now and unfortunately it's still showing.
    Please open this product folder link DAC61402 , go to Design and Development and oder the DAC81404EVM (DAC81402 & DAC61402 are from same family and pin-2-pin compatible).
    For this you can use the
    2. or 
    DAC814XXEVM-GUI software.

  • Sanjay,

    - Is there any way to get a copy of the obsolete software? It is frustrating to purchase a stocked and "active" evaluation board that is not usable with any vendor software.

    - Will the DAC61402/DAC81402 components be obsoleted as well, or are these parts still recommended for new designs?


  • Hi Ethan, 

    We'll look into options to support software with the BP-DAC61402EVM. No, these components are not going to be obsoleted. We have been working on refreshing a lot of our older style EVMs that use the TI Launchpad. This one has not been refreshed yet. 

    We have updated other devices in this family such as the 4-channel DAC81404EVM. We can sample you one of these EVMs for you to use for evaluation with our new software. As Sanjay mentioned, these devices are pin to pin compatible, the 4-channel device will work the same as the 2-channel device. If you'd still prefer the BP-DAC61402EVM, Sanjay will get back to you soon with his thoughts on the best way to evaluate. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Hi Ethan,
    We are really sorry for the trouble that you have to go through, and I can totally understand your frustration. 
    Here is what i can do for you - 
    1. If you can share your shipping address, I will send you a free EVM sample to you. It will work with new SW available on web.
    2. And in the mean time, I will look for the old software and help with that. This might sometime and will update you on this ASAP.
    Both DAC61412 and DAC81402 are active, and can be used for new designs. No doubt about that.
    I will drop a mail regarding the same.
