TPL0501-100: Noise is getting generated from wiper

Part Number: TPL0501-100



I'm getting frequency of 650Khz to 950Khz for the different wiper value from the wiper pin please find the below design.

My input frequency to the op-amp is 2Khz, but the noise frequency which is getting generated from the Digipot is effecting my overall output of the op-amp. When I do not give the input of 2Khz I'm getting the output of 650Khz to 950Khz from digipot, and when the digipot is removed there is no noise in the op-amp output. We were looking for different sclk frequency for operating the digipot, currently we are using 12.5 Mhz.

Please suggest the other clk frequency for operating the digipot, and please tell us how to solve this issue.

Thanks and Regards,

Annapoorneshwari M K