I am working with the ADS1246 and I am experiencing some difficulties with the chip. I have a strain gage connected to the ADS, and the ADS connected digitally to a MSP430F2274. In order to reduce the number of data lines running between the MCU and ADS. I have tied CS to GND, START to VCC (I do not have a pull up resistor in place, problem?), and I am using the DRDY line to signal new data to the MCU. I am unable to determine if my problem is power related or if it is one of the digital lines. Basically when I connect power through the battery and try to capture data from the ADS the DRDY never sets off the interrupt on the MCU, but when connecting to a DC power supply the ADS works just fine. I have confirmed that everything code wise is functioning correctly.
I am using a 3.8V Lithium Ion battery and a 3.3V voltage regulator capable of providing 50mA output and I am no where near that (11mA). All of the components(MCU, ADS, Volt. Reg) are all mounted on custome PCB's and filtered according to the applicaiton notes. As stated above I don't have a weak pull up between the START pin and the VCC pin on the ADS, is this part of the problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.