I am currently designing a circuit using TLC3578 where I have bipolar inputs of range +5V to -5V
In TLC3578 there is REFP REFM which are to connected as per datasheet via 3 capacitors
In the datasheet of TLC3578 it also states to give VREF of 4V (3.96-4.04 range)
Also in the TLC3578EVM family user guide (slau110.pdf) it is mentioned (table2-2) to give 3.3V as reference voltage
This anomaly I have not understood, as to which reference voltage to connect?
Also there is LM4030C-4.096 which can be used for 4.096V reference voltage can this be directly connected or is there any other part I am suppose to use? (i.e. is the VREF strictly required to be in 3.96-4.04 range)
Please can someone clarify the following issues?
Thanks Regards
Raquib Akolawala