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      In ths1007, for every conversion , should i have to change or alternate the value of bit 2 of CR0 register  after every clock . If'll do this work in that case we required 2 cycles , one for   writing into the CRO register and another for reading digital data from it.
In that case how can i extract digital output of different channels at every other clock as explained in timing diagram

  • Hi Rajat,

    How many channels do you intend to use?  The THS1007 has the ability to run with four SE channels or two differential channels.  Do you intend to use the auto scan mode?  If you write to the PD bit (bit-2 in CR0), you would need to clear that bit to initiate subsequent conversions.  If you do not intend to use the power down feature, you can simply leave bit cleared.

  • Sir,

    I am using four SE channels and without its scan mode. Sir, after read out  datasheet , first i make PD bit (bit-2 in CR0)=0 for writng on ADC  then i'll make it equal to '1' for ADC being active then after ADC's working , once again i have to make PD bit =0 for reading  the data from D0 - D9 . Do I have to repeat this process for every single conversion , if yes that is a layman process and also not explained anywhere in the datasheet.

    Do I also have the feature for not using this particular PD bit, if yes then what are the basic and initial steps that i should use for four SE channels. 

    Pls suggest some improvement measures for this problem.

  • Hi Rajat,

    By default, the PD bit is 'cleared' which places the THS1007 in active mode.  It cannot perform conversions if PD=1.  You do not neet to actively control the PD bit, you can leave it at '0' indefinitely.  If you wanted to take a series of conversions, and then place the device in power down mode to conserve power, you would 'set' the PD bit.  You could read old conversion data at that point if need be, but you'd have to clear PD and allow the reference to stabilize before obtaining new (and correct) conversion results.

  • Sir, 

            Can I use this (THS1007)ADC's channel input as within the range of 0-3.3V by using Vrefm=0V and Vrefp=3.3V.

            Another quesion is, do I have to change my CS0, CS1 and RD input of ADC at each conversion for retreiving the digital output from it.

            Actually I am worried about READ signal that has been shown in the timing diagram wihtin the datasheet.   How can they generate this READ signal with nearly same frequency of CONV_CLK.?

        Do have to pass rd = conv_clk or something else?

      Please provide your answer as soon as possible.