Greetings and Merry Christmas;
I have a circuit that requires a jumper setting to determine start up state for an output and then toggle of output state on a switch input.
We have done this in the past using a pair of 4093 AND gates but I wanted a smt part and cd4093's are not available in smt.
I tried using a JK flipflip (cd54hc73) with a RC (10K 1uf) using the cap connected to either the !CLR or the J & K Pins on the chip (the JK pins have a dedicated 10K and the CLR pin has one as well).
It does not work consistently.
Where did I go off the rails? Wrong flipflop? The logic tree for the JK gives me an alternating output condition on CLK with both J & K tied Hi.
This works IF I can get it to power up in the state desired.