I would like to use the ADS5474 14bit/400MHz AD, possibly interleaced, to trace a decay curve.
The decay curve will start at a voltage, and then decay typically exponentially to zero.
I just ordered the ADS5474 ADX evaluation board - after reading the documentation I think I will be happy with this.
Just this evaluation board needs a very precise clock from an external 50Ohm source. For my application, it would be best if the sampling clock source could be tuned digitially to values in the range 16 ... 800 MHz ( as I understand this evaluation board wants to sample with minimum 16 MHz, but this is ok for me).
I looked for tunable high precision PLL sources, and came to the LMK02002. Could any specialst tell me, whether this is a good choice, whether this is necessary (or should I just use the FPGA to create the clock)?
Further, on this evaluation board the clock enters the PCB via a transformer (to create a differential signal which is then used inversly for the two ADs). As I understand the LMK02002 datasheet, it has 4 clock outputs which are tunable separately 50...800MHz, and also the delay of each output can be programmed in 8 steps from 0 ... 1.2nsec.
Do you think, it is possible to drive this transformer circuit with the LMK02002 (if possible you perhaps could give me a hit how to drive the transformer), or should I better just use 2 clock outputs of the LMK02002 and connect them directly to the AD clock inputs?
Any further hints or warnings concerning this design will be greatly appreciated!