from sudi
hello ti,
i am using the ADS8330 to get ADC samples on both channels i have configured the ADC in Manual channel select ,Internal clock,Manual Trigger
the program flow is as like
1.Select the First Channel to read
3.CS to low
4.Wait for 2msec
5.give the Read command
4.wait for 2msec
5.Read the data
6.Remove the CONVST Signal
7.CS to high
8. Select the Second channel to read
9.Repeat the steps from the 2 to 8
til now i tested that its working for the individual channels
but while attempting for the second channel data its giving the data of the first channel itself
If i make the channel 0 GND then the second channel data is also taking GND even if its maintained with some voltage.
ans also TI may suggest that to use the Auto channel select and auto trigger
see as i am using the spi comn, i dont have the control over the SCLK (WHICH IN TURN CCLK FOR THE ADC)
and also for the Auto channel select i need to enable the TAG bit but i cant read the TAG bit value on the SPI data in as its max register storage will be for the 16 bit only
So any how i need to go with the MAnual Channel Select , internal clock ,Manual trigger
If its thing how to solve this problem as i have tried with so many techinques but no result
whether i need to change the IC itself
Please help me