I am trying to connect the ADS5282 evaluation module to the DE2-115 FPGA dev kit. I followed the install on windows 7 instructions. I've disabled VCP. Every time I try to send a command I receive an error (see below). I've also unplugged other USB serial devices to where only the ADC's comm port is available. I don't know what else to do.
My test setup is as follows: ADC Input CLK is a 1.5 V signal from the FPGA. ADC Channel 1 receives a 1.5 Vpp 3 MHz signal from a function generator. All grounds are connected (Power supply, FPGA, ADC, Function generator). The FPGA takes in the ADC's output signals and put them through a differential to single ended buffer then to GPIO to be viewed by a logic analyzer. Nothing happens on the logic analyzer.
Error 1 occurred at FT_SetBitMode: Set Bit Bang Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: An input parameter is invalid. For example if the input is a path, the path might contain a character not allowed by the OS such as ? or @.
My OS is Windows 7 x64.