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Multiple Analog Signal to Fiber Optic link

Ideally I would like to multiplex analog signals and then transmit this signal via an optical fiber cable. I understand that there must be an intermediate step to either convert the analog signal to a multiplexed digital signal (0's and 1's) and this signal would translate to turning on and off a laser diode (0 = off and 1=on).

What Micro-controller,MUX/DUMUX,OP AMP, and/or ADC DAC's should I be looking into that could send the information within the Low (single digit range) MHz sampling rate range?

I was thinking about connecting the analog signals directly to a MUX and then sending this signal to a ADC and the Digital signal will be amplified using an OP AMP to amplify the digital signal (if needed) which will then go to the Base of an NPN transistor to power on and off a transistor. A phototransistor will then sense the on and off of the LED (or Laser Diode) and feed that signal to a OP AMP (if needed) for amplification and then go to a DAC and then go to a DEMUX.

Could this be done in a simpler fashion using a micro-controller?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!