I have some problem use for the ads1248 chip. I wiil use for Hardware-Compensated, Three-Wire RTD 100Ω Measurement.
So, I did same set the Hardware & Firmware of Datasheet P.57 at figure 85.
But i found gap of measure value that it`s not express in ADC result.
Measure Result)
1. ADC value: 6517875, RTD Value: 110.1130Ω, Temperature: 25.975℃
2. ADC value: 6562351, RTD Value: 110.1820Ω, Temperature: 26.153℃
→ ADC value is not express in figures at 26.0℃...Why?
I think it will be happen at random and gap volume is about 0.25℃.
For Example) up to the Temperature..
ADC value not express in figures at 25.0, 25.1℃
1. IDAC: 1.5mA
2. Gain: 128
3. RBIAS at 833Ω
4. LSB = +Vref/PGA/(2^23-1)
5. RTD_Resistance = (ADC_Result * LSB)/IDAC_Current + Rcomp
Please check and let me know my mistake or fault.