I'm looking into a high speed DAC for an Infrared projector. I need 14-16 bits of DC accuracy and a full scale settling time of around 100ns down to 1LSB. The DAC5681 looks promising but I have a question about the gain and offset temperature drift. I'm comparing this part to the Linear Technology LTC2000 which has a typical gain drift specification of 5ppm/degree C listed on page 5 of the data sheet, however, a chart on page 9 of the data sheet shows gain error vs temperature and indicates this error is more like 100ppm/degree C between 25 and 50 degrees C where the device will likely operate in an ambient environment. At lower temperatures the gain drift matches the typical specification.
The DAC5681 list typical gain drift errors of 15ppm/degree C without internal reference and 30ppm/degree C with internal reference. Is there a curve or data available showing gain drift with temperature so I can see that the relationship is fairly linear over the temperature range for the DAC5681 or if there are areas where the gain drift is worse? Thanks.