We're facing new problem: ADS1241 stops responding completely (for commands read/write registers and reading data).
We're using ADS1241 in different units in the past without problems. Few thousands of units are on market sharing similar hardware and code.
Now 2 independent customers reported in few units converter hangs few times a week.
Reset with reset pin doesn't help, a power reset is needed.
During 'hang' time Dout from ADS1241 is low.
What we already excluded:
- unit fail (by replacing all units)
- master firmware regression (by downgrading to previous version)
- temperature causing problems with crystal (temp. is monitored on site)
- reset pin to short (checked at office with e.g. r/w registers, shorting crystal for a while, etc.), every time goes on after reset correct at office.
We can't reproduce this problem at office, so probably it's EMI related. The site is HVAC control cabinet, usually quite noisy.
We have only online connection to the site, so we can't check everything.
Any tips would be welcome.