I would like to ask you some basic questions about the relation between input source impedance and throughput rate as below.
Q1) Figure 58, datasheet page 40
There is a description "Note A" and there describes that "Rsource <= 250ohm for the 1xREF 12bit setting at 1MSPS" on the latter half of the note.
I suppose that "12bit" should be "10bit" not 12bit from Figure 59(datasheet page 41) data...
How is my idea?
Q2) Figure 59, datasheet page 41
Is this data the result of measurement data by the description of " Detailed Design Procedure", right?
And then, did you adopt 150pF as input capacitor value as Figure 58?
And this data guarantees throughput rate?
For example, in case of 8 bit, when we select Rsource 1000ohm, throughput rate is 1MSPS and you guarantee it.
Q3) Throughput rate - 1
Let me confrim the meaning of "throughput rate" if my understanding is correct, for sure.
For example,
In case of 1MSPS, this means 20 SCLKs/Frame (@20M Hz SCLK) and 20 SCLKs consist of "conversion phase" 16 SCLKs and "Acquisition phase tacq" 6.5 SCLKs.
In case of 500KSPS, this means 40 SCLKs/Frame and this consists of 16 SCLKs (Conversion phase) and 26.5 SCLKs (tacq).
Is my understanding correct?
Q4) Throughput rate - 2
In case of 1MSPS, the actual throughput rate is 62.5KSPS/ch @16ch.
Is my understanding correct?
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,