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How to load 8-bit offset binary of ADC08D1520 to Wave Vision5?
As an example please attached find a data file.
User manual says ascii format but not sure why it cannot load the .txt!
I changed the *.txt to *.asc and couple of other tricks that I found on the web to make the file ascii but none of them worked.
Please advise how to get Wave Vision 5 to load my file. Does it like 8 bit samples?
How to load 8-bit offset binary of ADC08D1520 to HSDC Pro?
I am trying to use HSDC Pro to evaluate ADC08D1520 captured data sent from FPGA to PC.
The files I load to HSDC Pro are 8 bit samples (ADC08D1520 output samples in offset binary format) with 1.5Gsps rate. Attached 25MHz_2p_53.csv is a 25MHz captured file.
When I load the CSV file by using File > Import Data File, as shown below if I enter 8bits, loaded bits to HSDC Pro are NOT correct and performance results are Very off.
If I enter 16 bits then loaded data bits are good but are only the lower 8 bits, D14-D8 are always 0 and D15=1.
Here is when I enter 16bit as the number of bits
Checking the HSDC Pro manual I found at page 12 of 70 under “File Options” that HSDC Pro likes to see 16 bit data in 2’s complement format.
ADC08D1520 has 8 bit samples and I am wondering how would I import my CSV file with 8-bit samples in HSDC Pro?