Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1220, , ADS124S08, TIPD164, ADS1248, ADS124S08EVM
I have to design the ads1220 basic(in ~1.5 In^2 total space) with an LDO for 3.3V from 5V and needed caps, resistor and a 8 position DIP sw. to select sensor/signal. To save time???, I copied the demo EVM assuming has all parts to test the proto and found out that my eval kit (s/n?:4422100015?) doesn't match the schematic (file ads1x20evm-pw.schDoc) such as many parts on sch. & pcb are NOT used or populated for example : WHY R29 is used when R3 is NOT used?........is pin 8(REFN0) of 1220 left floating w/R29 as an antenna??........I have to use the 1220 to monitor RTDs,TC,SG,Th,mV, mA,etc using the selector dip switch. in other words, before I design the pcb I have to make sure ALL functions of 1220 work with MINIMUM # of components.
can someone please correct me if I'm wrong and tell me the MINIMUM parts needed to use ALL functions(as selected by switch) ?............
thanks Jose Jimenez(OFEST)