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DAC101C085: I2C address and

Part Number: DAC101C085


the DAC101C085 datasheet states the I2C addresses in table 1 below.

As I understand from an older thread, each setting combination of ADR1 and ADR0 leads to two addresses that the device will repsond to.
eg: ADR1 GND and ADR0 GND -> the device reponds to addresses 0001001and 1000100.

My customer sees different behavior. eg for setting ADR1 GND and ADR0 GND, the device responds to address 0001001, but NOT to address 1000100.

Can you explain this behavior?


  • Screenshot did not attach properly in original post.

  • Hi FRAMziskus,

    Thanks for your post. Can you provide scope captures of both of the I2C transmissions (0001001, 1000100)? This will confirm that your communication is correct. Also, have you tried a different setting of the ADR pins and seeing if the device will respond to both addresses? For instance you could try ADR1 = GND and ADR0 = floating. Then see if the device responds to both 0001000 and 1000100.

  • Hi FRAMziskus,

    I wanted to provide an update on this issue. We have noticed a typo/ambiguity in the datasheet. The second column of addresses should not be used to address the DAC101C085. The second column is listing addresses that should be avoided by other devices on the bus if the first address is used for the DAC address. An example is if ADR1= GND and ADR0= GND, then the device address will be 0001001 and the address 1000100 should not be used by other devices on the bus. The broadcast address (1001000) and its counterpart (1100100) should also not be used by any other device on the bus. We are working on making this clear in the documentation. We have seen issues similar to yours where the device does not respond to the second address.

